Character In One Piece: The Movie (ワンピース) (2000)

1. One Piece: The Movie

  • The Straw Hat Pirates are depicted with four members—Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp—and the Going Merry with its Jolly Roger already fashioned. · The driftwood ...

  • One Piece: The Movie is a theatrical feature, originally released on March 4, 2000. The first One Piece movie produced by Toei Animation (and the second overall, predated only by Defeat the Pirate Ganzack!), it features an original story separate from the canon, though its status quo fits the period between the Syrup Village Arc and the Baratie Arc. Like most of Toei's early movies, One Piece: The Movie was never dubbed into English. Its only 'official' English-language release remains a 2014 Ma

One Piece: The Movie

2. ワンピース | The Dubbing Database - Fandom

  • Cast ; File:モンキー・D・ルフィ (ワンピース, film).png. モンキー・D・ルフィ. Monkey D. Luffy. Mayumi Tanaka 田中真弓 ; File:ロロノア・ゾロ (ワンピース, film).png.

  • ワンピース is a Japanese anime film based off of the ワンピース manga and anime franchise. It was screened at the Spring 2000 Toei Anime Fair alongside デジモンアドベンチャー ぼくらのウォーゲーム!. It is the first film of the ワンピース franchise.

ワンピース | The Dubbing Database - Fandom

3. One Piece: The Movie (2000) directed by Junji Shimizu • Reviews, film + cast

  • There once was a pirate known as the Great Gold Pirate Woonan, who obtained almost one-third of the world's gold. Over the course of a few years, ...

  • There once was a pirate known as the Great Gold Pirate Woonan, who obtained almost one-third of the world's gold. Over the course of a few years, the pirate's existence faded, and a legend grew that he disappeared with his gold to a remote island, an island pirates continue to search for. Aboard the Going Merry, Luffy and his crew, starved and reckless, are robbed of their treasure. In an attempt to get it back, they wreck the getaway ship, guided by a young boy named Tobio, who's a captured part of El Drago's pirate crew. El Drago's love for gold has driven him to look for Woonan's island, and thanks to Woonan's treasure map, he finds it. During this time, Luffy's crew have been split up, and despite their own circumstances, they must find a way to stop El Drago from obtaining Woonan's gold.

One Piece: The Movie (2000) directed by Junji Shimizu • Reviews, film + cast

4. ONEPIECE(2000) - ピクシブ百科事典

ONEPIECE(2000) - ピクシブ百科事典

5. One Piece: The Movie - Anime News Network

  • One Piece: The Movie ; Korean cast ; Korean staff · Mi-Suk Jeong as Nami. Seung-Jun Kim as Roronoa Zoro. So-Hyeong Kim as Usopp. Su-Jin Gang as Monkey D. Luffy.

  • ×

6. 劇場版 | ONEワンピース ドットコム)

  • 劇場版『ONE PIECE(ワンピース)』は ONEワンピース ドット ... キャラクター検索 · キャラクター誕生日リスト. キーワードで検索. 最新情報 · ニュース.

  • 劇場版『ONE PIECE(ワンピース)』は ONEワンピース ドットコム)でチェック!

劇場版 | ONEワンピース ドットコム)

7. One Piece: The Movie - Comic Vine

  • Feb 3, 2020 · After a chance encounter with a trio of thieves, the Straw Hat Pirates find themselves at odds with El Drago, a ruthless pirate empowered by a ...

  • One Piece: The Movie is the first film of the One Piece series.

One Piece: The Movie - Comic Vine

8. 劇場版 - ONEワンピース ドットコム)

  • Mar 4, 2000 · 〝ワンピース(ひとつなぎの大秘宝)〟を目指し、今日も航海を続けるルフィ、ゾロ、ナミ、ウソップ。いつも通りのケンカ中、ナミのお宝を泥棒にきた ...

  • 劇場版『ONE PIECE(ワンピース)』ワンピースの詳細は ONEワンピース ドットコム)でチェック!

劇場版 - ONEワンピース ドットコム)

9. Best One Piece Movies To Watch - CBR

  • Jun 7, 2024 · One Piece Film: Gold Takes Place in a Glitzy City · The Straw Hat Pirates pose together in the One Piece Film: Gold · Usopp with Luffy, Nami, and ...

  • While there are some great One Piece movies like Dead End Adventure and its cool ship race, there are some like One Piece 3D that can be skipped.

Best One Piece Movies To Watch - CBR

10. One Piece: The Movie (2000) - Review - Far East Films

  • May 9, 2015 · There was once a pirate known as the Great Gold Pirate Woonan who obtained over a third of the world's gold and hid it somewhere on a remote ...

  • Although it barely scratches the surface in terms of the quality of the show, this is a good example of how to make an anime series into a film without giving away any of the finer details.

One Piece: The Movie (2000) - Review - Far East Films

11. ワンピース(ONE PIECE)映画一覧(歴代の劇場版)

  • の第1作となる「ONE PIECE」から最新作「ONE PIECE FILM RED(フィルム・レッド)」(2022年)まで。歴代作品のあらすじ、キャラクター ... 2000, 「ワンピース」, 詳細 ...

  • アニメ「ONE PIECE(ワンピース)」の映画の一覧。劇場版の第1作となる「ONE PIECE」から最新作「ONE PIECE FILM RED(フィルム・レッド)」(2022年)まで。歴代作品のあらすじ、キャラクター、評価、予習など。Amazonプライムなど動画配信へのリンク付き。

12. 映画ONE PIECE、キャラクターの魅力~ルフィの変化編

  • Aug 6, 2019 · 劇場版第1作『ONE PIECE ワンピース』(2000)ではまだ少年らしさが目立つが、仲間を大切にする気持ちや自分が信じたことを貫き通すキャラクターはすでに ...

  • 原作の連載が始まって22年、テレビアニメが始まってちょうど20年。

映画ONE PIECE、キャラクターの魅力~ルフィの変化編


Character In One Piece: The Movie (ワンピース) (2000)
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