OCs and Worldbuilding 2 - Mark432 (2024)

Locations and Terminology:

Gaia: The main world setting, a magical, mystical, relatively Earth-like planet where humans and monsters exist together, often coming into conflict in regard to control over various aspects of magical might and untapped fonts of ancient arcane powers, found in the cornerstones of populated areas and/or tucked away in the deepest reaches of the ancient, untamed wilderness. As you can imagine, skirmishes over such precious resources can be quite fierce, bloody and dusty.

Terra: Gaia's parallel mirror world, which is noted by Gaia's researchers as a mild curiosity due to the population consisting solely of humans with no observed magical talent. Rumored to be the secret original homeland of the infamous Izans, known as Arcadia.

The Merciful Lady (True Name: Serena Amherst): One of the many mysterious Entities that serve to embody the endless struggle between Genesis and Oblivion. Once created the human race on a sentimental whim, and her countless peers in the Entity community have done their best to make her life a living hell for it ever since, Entities and Void Entities alike. An odd trait for extra-dimensional beings to possess, as noted by Kenneth Livingston and countless other mortals of Gaia.

The Archsage / The Archmage / The Voidsage / The Voidmage / The Black Beast (True Name: Kayneth Livingston): A very mysterious figure who appears to be a striking resemblance to a certain Void Entity in training.

Occiden: The largest, most industrialized nation on Gaia's Western continent.

Neo Arcadia: The illustrious modern capital of Occiden. Officially known as a cultural melting pot where humans and monsters and all kinds of intelligent beings (including highly advanced, technologically superior aliens that may or may not exist, according to Neo Arcadia's leadership and top researchers) can live and work together in relative harmony. Unofficially, the capital is one of the many populated urban battlegrounds of a secret underground shadow war fought between various extremist and/or clandestine groups who fight for and against the current multi-species world order as it exists in the 22nd century. The birthplace of Kenneth Livingston, which led to his repeated exposure to the post-Izan, human-monster underground shadow war at a very young age. The current leader is Lady Sol Arcana, a prestigious unicorn noblewoman who is well-renowned for rediscovering the ancient art of equine flight.

Riverview City: A popular 'postcard city' that serves as a tourist attraction and a large source of travel revenue. Roughly a one-hour drive from Neo Arcadia. The birthplace and home city of Sarah Amherst, before she began a pilgrimage on a lengthy roundabout path stretching between Occiden and Dongfang with Kenneth Livingston's assistance.

Gay Bay: Another tourist vacation spot. Roughly a two-hour drive from Neo Arcadia and a one-hour drive from Riverview. The fairly typical coastal town is not very impressive at first glance, but the ridiculous name alone is enough to generate morbid interest, espeically in regard to the nigh-unbelievable antics of the town's founder, a very eccentric and infamous human male named Winston Gay. The home of Sophie Evans after she moved away from Riverview.

Neo Atlantis: A mysterious undersea nation that is located deep beneath the vast Emerald Ocean, which is located next to Gay Bay. Most Neo Arcadian experts dismiss the existence of Neo Atlantis as a silly rumor, but those involved in the shadow war are acutely aware that many sea-dwelling monsters have emerged from the depths of the Emerald Ocean and infiltrated surface territory to complete a seemly disconnected series of goals and objectives.

President Ronald Stump: The current executive incumbent leader of Occiden. Regarded as a somewhat controversial political figure in some circles of dubious credibility, but he is undeniably a firm patriot and advocate of the best parts of his country, such as the undeniable right, the unalienable freedom to make one's own choices in life.

Occiden Secretary of Defense, Wilhelm Reinhard: The principal defense policymaker and adviser for the nation of Occiden. Stout, factual, a bit dry in personality but also passionate about protecting his beloved nation.

Dongfang: the oldest and most venerated nation on Gaia's Eastern continent, steeped in numerous Eastern magical fonts and mysteries, but also infamous for many outdated and draconian practices regarding non-monsters and women and disloyal Easterners who do not strictly adhere to tradition. The nation is officially lead by Empress Huli, a stunningly beautiful, multi-tailed, and eerily pale fox woman with an enchanting smile. However, the agents of the shadow war have varying reports and rumors related to the Empress's association with the Kitsune Kabal, a secretive organization of spies, assassins, saboteurs and (allegedly) modern black hat hackers that allegedly fight to preserve the ancient ancestral traditions of Dongfang and Tiantang, and to protect the Eastern continent from the 'poisonous' influence of the West and Western citizens. All of which are topics that young Shaonu has very little interest in discussing in public or in private.

Tiantang: The ancient capital of Dongfang. The birthplace of Shaonu Livingston, before she fled her Eastern relatives and their draconian expectations to live a simpler and much happier life in Riverview.

Taijong City: The recently established, modern capital of Dongfang. Known for infrastructure composed of modern skyscrapers juxtaposed with shabby concrete buildings, as well as very inexpensive but high-quality dining services and night markets.

Taibao Village: A small Eastern town with a bustling, close-knit community full of restaurants, hot springs, merchants, and spirited adventurers with impressive scars and gigantic weapons.

Nifelheim: The frozen, inhospitable land of the savage wendigos, creatures afflicted with an insatiable hunger that is both physical and spiritual.

The Dragon Realms: A collection of rustic tribal nations located in a somewhat secluded corner of Gaia's Eastern continent, where four ancient elemental dragon tribes live together despite constant various inter-nation conflicts.

The Land of Winds and Harmony: The home of the Wind Dragons.

The Land of Void and Mysteries: The home of the Void Dragons.

The Land of Poison and Regrowth: The home of the Poison Dragons.

The Land of Fear and Dreams: The home of the Fear Dragons.

Umbral Nexus: The capital of the Land of Void and Mysteries.

Skylight Sanctuary: The capital of the Land of Winds and Harmony.

Breezewing’s Roost: A small village located in the Land of Winds and Harmony.

Heaven: The sacred, divine realm of the celestial angels and the esteemed Archangels.

Heaven's Forge: Heaven's primary military force, tasked with defending the land from demonic influences and safeguard the noble traditions of purity and righteousness.

Archangels: The strongest warriors, soldiers, guardians, protectors and defenders of Heaven. Currently led by Archangel Field Marshal Michael, acting under the divine supervision of the Supreme Commander.

Angels: Divine beings of holy light and righteousness. Organized into three orders, each with three ranks: Seraphim, Cherubim, Ophanim -- Dominions, Virtues, Powers -- Principalities, Archangels, Angels

Angel Numbers: The ability for repeating numbers to manifest as omens of good luck. 000 (Opportunity), 111 (Wishes), 222 (Balance), 333 (Creativity), 444 (Stability, not Doom), 555 (Change), 666 (Compassion, not the Beast), 777 (Fortune), 888 (Transcendence), 999 (Genesis)

Tantric Rituals: Powerful magic rituals and contracts formed through the use of sexual fluids.

Heartsong: A magical compulsion that a sufficiently talented and charismatic user can utilize in order to compel a host of weak-minded beings into following along with the singing as if they were actors in a musical or an Oscar-worthy production. The user must have sufficient musical talent in order to generate the effect properly. Known users and practitioners include Lady Sol Arcana, Lady Nox Arcana, Lady Lucia Heales and Sir Faust the Imp.

Izans: An ancient human civilization infamous for conquering and warmongering and countless (alleged) crimes against monsterkind.

Izan's Bane: A modern group of radicals who claim to be anti-fascist despite their frequent use of violence and terrorism to achieve various esoteric goals and objectives.

Entities: Physical embodiments of spiritual concepts.

Void Entities: Physical embodiments of the murky reality that lies just beyond the transient borders of Gaia's landscape.

Soul Trait Magic: A profane ability that some monsters possess, a forbidden ritual that allows them to absorb and harness the untapped potential that lies dormant within human souls.

Known Entities: The Merciful Lady (Soul of Genesis), Sarah Amherst of Riverview City (Soul of Light), Shaonu Livingston of Riverview City (Soul of Spirit), Archangel Michael of Heaven's Forge (Soul of Heaven), Archangel Uriel of Heaven's Forge (Soul of Divine Breath), Lady Sol Arcana of Neo Arcadia (Soul of Light), Wind Dragon Renn of Breezewing’s Roost (Soul of Wind), Sir Reada Rivera of the Ancient Indu Tribe (Soul of Determination), Sir Clover Grovedale of the Ancient Indu Tribe and The Kingdom of Monsters (Soul of Justice), Lady Lucia Heales (Soul of Oblivion)

Known Void Entities: Kenneth Livingston of Neo Arcadia, Void Dragon Seru of Umbral Nexus, Archangel Lucifer of Heaven's Forge, Celesta Acrolith of Riverview City, Lady Umbra of the Land of Void and Mysteries, Doctor W. D. Gaster of the Kingdom of Monsters

Sarah Amherst, INFP 1w9:

Inspirations: Shinji Ikari, Kaworu Nagisa, Niko (OneShot)

Kenneth Livingston, INFJ 6w5:

Inspirations: Shinji Ikari, Kaworu Nagisa, Jack the Narrator, Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate, Goblin Slayer, The Punisher, Kiritsugu Emiya


'Sound of death... the echo of Void...

Heart of solitude... soul of grace...

The bane of kings and beggars...

Bear witness... Aria of the Void!'


Kenneth's Favorite Elder Scrolls Player Races: Argonian, Khajiit, Orsimer, Breton, Redguard

Kenneth's Least Favorite Elder Scrolls Player Races: Nord, Imperial, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, Dunmer

Kenneth's Favorite Player Character Avatars:

Qul’cthassnia (Qul) (She-Who-Enkindles) the Arcane Alchemist (Argonian), Former Windhelm Dockworker, Estranged Child of the Hist, The Arch-Mage of Winterhold, Wielder of Azura's Blackened Star, High Vampire Lady, Legate of the Imperial Region, Disposer of Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak

"This cold, frozen, inhospitable land is no home for a child of the Hist... or for any being who is not a true Nord. These foolhardy, cold-blooded, axe-tossing barbarians can have these dreadful lands all to themselves. Ironic yet fitting, it is... that their promised afterlife is no different from their mortal life."

Jo'Daro the Wandering Bard (Khajiit), Follower of Rajhin, The Purloiner of Fine Cheeses, The Gourmet of Fondue, The Connoisseur of the Sixty-Nine Skooma Trips, The Exhumer of Red Eagle's Fury, The Knocker of One-Eyed Olaf, Esteemed Musician of the Bard's College

"This one prefers the simple joys of life... the delectable cheese wedges of Man and Mer, the sweet glaze of fondue that reminds Khajiit of the warm desert sands, the alluring musk of the Skooma Cat's essence, the excitement of exploring long-forgotten crypts and tombs, and... the indescribable joy of friendship, camaraderie and... so much more. This, I believe more than anything."

Orisis the Stoic Blacksmith (Orsimer), Devotee of Malacath's Ashen Forge, Forgemaster of Dwarven / Steel Plate / Imperial Silver / Orcish / Ebony / Daedric Armor, Werewolf of the Wild Hunt, Harbinger of the Companions, Slayer of Giants, Vanquisher of Ancient Dragons, Hero of Sovngarde


Alicia the Fiery Summoner (Altmer), Thalmor Agent, Follower of Dibella, Conjurer of Flame Atronachs, Appreciator of the Sapphic Arts, Legate of the Imperial Region, The Reluctant Dovahkiin of Promised Legend, Slayer of Alduin the World-Eater

"What do I have to do just to get some space to practice my faith in peace?"

Lloyd the Forsworn Druid (Breton), Native of the Reach, Follower of Phynaster, The Wielder of Red Eagle's Bane, Herald of the Atronach || The Hero of Kvatch / The Savior of Bruma / The Champion of Cyrodill

"No one has any reason to favor the frigid Nords unless they themselves are a Nord. Considering what Ulfric and his brethren have done to my people, my kin, outcasts in the lands that once belonged to us... is it any wonder that the enemy of an enemy would make for a formidable ally, come what may?"

Achilles the Wandering Monk (Redguard), Follower of Leki, Legate of the Imperial Region

"The first step of conquering and enervating a nation? Encourage disharmony and discord upon the people, draw arbitrary lines in the dirt and sand, isolate and intensify the loudest and most passionate of leaders in order to weaken the otherwise stalwart and loyal defenders. Of the two main factions that quarrel over these frozen lands, only one of their leaders is openly aware of this crucial fact of conquest. It is not surprising to hear rumors and hearsay... that imply that the Thalmor have secretly been aiding Ulfric Stormcloak's rebellion in secret."

Lady Lucia Heales (The Ice Queen, The Oncoming Snowstorm, The Frozen Scourge of Nifelheim, The Terror of the Frigid Abyss, heed her coming and tremble in despair), Expert Humanitarian of 'To Serve Man' Catering (TSMC), Ringmaster of The Magical Mystical Manuscriptorium, (ENTJ 8w7 / ENFJ 3w2):

Inspirations: Homelander, Dio Brando, The Other Mother, Asuka Langley Soryu, Vriska Serket, Agent Carolina, Tyler Durden

Lux the Wendigo, ENTP 7w8:

Inspirations: Hack Montblanc, John Constantine, Harry Dresden, The Annoying Orange

“Pst. Hey, Lumen. You wanna buy some batteries?”

“Jump scares. They're good for getting the blood pusher pumping, but other than that...”

“It's knife to meet ya!”

“Can I axe you a question?”

“Watch out, I'm a wild pitcher!”

"It's fry day, fry day, gotta get down on fry day!" / "Nope, it's only Monday. Looks like you fritters need to... ketchup!"

"Thank you, man, she was so lonely after the divorce." / "I hope you had fun, and I'll kick your ass if she didn't." / "Well, I hope you enjoy genital warts."

Lumen the Wendigo, ENTP 7w6:

Inspirations: Chick Montblanc, Wonder-Pink

Shaonu Reynard Livingston, INFP 4w5:

Inspirations: Raphtalia, Ensign Ledo, Fushi, Rei Ayanami, Carol Kohl

“It's not very glamourous, but I like to help out at the soup kitchen from time to time. There, I can help people who are even more unfortunate than how I used to be back in the Eastern lands. And besides, people mind when you drop a China plate, but no one really cares if you drop an unpeeled potato.”

“You know, my family wanted me to become a Green Mansion girl. It didn't work out. To get in, you need to be good with musical instruments, playing chess, calligraphy and painting. You need to be well read and be able to compose poem, song and carry out highly intelligent conversation. Huakui... more like hua-can't. Besides, intelligence is wasted on most people in this day and age. People don't care about intelligence anymore, they only care about unoriginal memes and wit and snark and sneering and mean-spirited sarcasm. Because you have to be smart to understand the fact that dignity is so much more important than deluding yourself and everyone around you into thinking that sarcasm is intelligent.”

“Society teaches men to be afraid of women and vice-versa. Considering all those ancient Eastern stories about monks peeing on bones on the side of the road, causing those bones to turn into fox women who would then eat the monks, etc... and besides, all those negative stereotypes in comedies and sitcoms...”

Trademarks: Emerald eyes, auburn hair, mouse-like body language, an impressive collection of wakizashi and tanto.

Sophie Evans (Silicon Selkie), ISTP 5w4:

Inspirations: Yusei Fudo, Diva/Vivy, Ice Bear, Carol Kohl, Iron Man, Captain America, Winter Soldier, Aquaman, Aquagirl, Aquawoman, Aqualad, Stingray, Triton, Abe Sapian, Namor

“I was bullied as a young selkie child, a perfectly isolated target as the daughter of a bumbling overweight human mechanic who loved fishing as well as a selkie woman who chose to return to the sea rather than help her husband raise their daughter. It's why I don't like bullies, or allies who defend bullies from unfiltered criticism. For what is a supporter of bullying to an honest worker with a customized quad-barrel duplet shotgun?”

“He's my best friend. He always loved to talk about things that were usually meaningless, but I always listened. So when I finally spoke up about something really important, he listened. Sometimes, that's what it means to have a friend... and to be one.”

Trademarks: Sea-blue eyes, blond hair, stoic visage, her father's old but well-maintained motorcycle, custom designed quad-barrel duplet shotgun inspired by Metro 2033 Redux and Metro Last Light.

David Acrolith (alias B-12 / B-Twelve / Cobalamin) (The Crimson f*cker), Apprentice Humanitarian of 'To Serve Man' Catering (TSMC), ESFJ 7w6:

Inspirations: Po Ping, Gary Goodspeed, Captain Garbage, Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate Abridged), Alucard (Castlevania Netflix), Matthew Patrick / MatPat of Game Theory

Elevator Pitch: Born in an age where many brave vampires, alive and long since passed, have fought tooth and nail and martyred themselves to unmake the various vicious, outdated, racist stereotypes associated with their species... our story begins with a newborn vampire with a single retired vampire mother, and she is dismayed and anxious upon seeing that he exhibits a stereotypical lust for human blood and other related traits that would be more than enough to convince humanity to unfairly label vampires as bloodsucking, sun-shunning, sparkly-cringing, holy-adverse, silver-obsessed, garlic-allergic, number noting, coffin dwelling, landlubber freaks of nature.

Well, the vampire-goth aesthetic is a common thing that comes up a lot in comics and horror fiction and beyond. Some folks just aren't interested in doing something new with vampires or goths or vampire goths for a change.

“It's funny, now that I think about it. I don't relate to any vampire stereotypes other than that often forgotten and overlooked thing about counting. I like to count things, and so did my great-great-grandfather, who tried to hunt down some Izan cadets until they distracted him by crashing a transport truck that was filled with bags of rice.”

Trademarks: Raven hair, crimson eyes, wheatish skin tone, casual smile.

Celesta Acrolith, INFJ 1w2:

“I feel torn when I hear about the adventures and misadventures that my wonderful baby boy often finds himself involved with. He is more than capable of defending himself under pressure, but there are so many hidden dangers out there that are much more than physical in nature. There is much that can be said about adults who have lost their vigor and are thus forced to entrust all of their hopes and responsibilities to the younger generation... but the very act of doing so is very irresponsible.”

Trademarks: Raven hair, crimson eyes, wheatish skin tone, reluctant smile, prolific love of piano music (listening to piano music as well as playing the piano as well).

Archangel Field Marshal Michael, The Knight General of Heaven's Forge, ISTJ 1w9, ‘Reaper’, Pilot of Chariot ‘Saint Reaper’ ('Mustache Marshal' / 'Moustache Marshal', courtesy of the Patron) :

(Servant of the Four Divine Aspects of the Supreme Commander: Metatron / Mettaton / Megaton / Megatron)

Inspirations: Lieutenant Colonel William Bishop, Matsumoto, Carter-A259, Captain Titus, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Balderich von Adler, Preston Stormer

"One of my proudest memories was the day I became the first commissioned officer of my cohort. It was a prestigious and monumental occasion that was undercut by the fact that all of my peers were chuckling and jeering behind my back, all except for a young cadet who silently observed and listened when all the rest chose to talk. Her name was Uriel. You thought I forgot?"

"Many soldiers who have never seen a battlefield have carried out acts of great courage. That's why it's important for all living beings to display personal courage every day by standing up and fighting for the things that they know are right."

"It's true... In any well-ordered society, people like us would be locked up or shot. But then you would have to get people to do the locking up and the shooting, and who better to ask then someone who's accustomed to such duties?"

"In the name of those lost and forgotten, our predecessors, the lives they touched and were touched by in turn... I will fight. I will fight, and fight, and fight until there is nothing left to fight over. Even then, I will continue to fight. For the innocent. For the worthy. For my comrades, for the countless heroes who chose to stand with us at great personal risk, those who stood with the soldiers of Heaven's Forge while our leaders choose to take our loyalty for granted. That is what I fight for. That is my pledge to Gaia... to our planet, our world, our home."

"The oath of the Archangel is as follows: I am an Archangel of Heaven's Forge. I am a team member first and a warrior second. I serve the order of Heaven and I embrace the values of our great nation. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade.I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained, and proficient in my tasks and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment, and myself. I am an expert and a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of Heaven in divine combat. I am a guardian of freedom and the righteous path. I am an Archangel."


'The divine right of kings...

To hold the crown before the fallen land...

To rebuke the legions of the countless damned...

Begird and Preserve!'


Trademarks: Golden eyes, golden hair and stubble, magic golden wings, stoic and occasionally dry expression.

Archangel Michael's Colorful Comrades and Fierce Foes:

Archangel General Gabriel (Ur-Gabriel), 'Grizzly', The Last Great General of Heaven: Archangel Michael's late commanding officer. Known for being gruff, stoic, heavily scarred and quite mentally battered from countless millennia of holy warfare, but his final act was to reassure his inexperienced comrade, to remind Cadet Officer Michael to always remember to trust his faith, his comrades, and himself, even/especially when things look bleak at the darkness hour.

Angel Corporal Gabriel (Iso-Gabriel), ISFP 3w4, 'Messenger', Pilot of Chariot 'Legacy': The young successor to Ur-Gabriel. She frequently challenges Archangel Michael to epic duels but is often reprimanded for her impudence.

Lady Macey Morningstar: A curiously mute, female angel seen observing Michael's battles. True identity is that of a lesser Power in the form of an enchanted, celestial dowsing mace, one that allowed itself to be drawn to the weary hand of Archangel Michael in his time of need.

Archangel General Lucifer (Ur-Lucifer, Lord Satan, the Beast, Louis, Lewis, Lucy, Lucien, Lucius, Cypher, Cipher, Stan, Stanly, Stanford, Samael, Samuel, Sam, Sammy, Morgenstern, Morgan Starr, Nicholas, Nick, Old Nick, Nixon, Nicky, Lillith, Lilly, Davy Jones, Dave, Dirk), The Fallen Mage General of Heaven, INTJ 1w9, 'Legion', Pilot of Chariot 'Iblis': The bold, charismatic, ambitious predecessor of Cadet Lucifer.

Lady Satan (Iso-Lucifer / Iso-Satan, The She-Beast), INFJ 1w9: A mysterious woman who appears to be an alternate, older version of Cadet Lucifer. One who advocates for the rights of the unwanted and the downtrodden while also opposing Lord Lucifer's grand plans of multiversal conquest,

Angel Cadet Lucifer, The Sacred (and Scared) Ambassador, INFP 6w5, 'Mourning Star': Meek, timid, pastoral-minded and uninterested in leading the legions of Hell. Loves books, nature and quiet and dislikes violence as well as being told to pick sides.

Angel Sergeant Raphael, ESTP 8w7, 'Horn Blower', Pilot of Chariot 'Forblaze': A fairly typical butch lesbian jerk jock stereotype who suddenly finds herself in the role of major character, much to her chronic irritation.

Lady Archangel General Michael (Iso-Michael), Mage General of Arcadia, ENTJ 3w2, 'Virgin Mary', Pilot of Chariot 'Joseph', Angel of Terra: A very confident angelic warrior whose arrogance is only matched by her raw holy power. Arrived to replace the absent / missing Archangel Field Marshal Michael at a suspicious time. Tends to demand respect that isn't earned, slowly drawing the ire of Archangel Uriel.


"Is there any reason you're just standing there, Lieutenant Uriel?" / "Haah. No, ma'am. I'll get right on it." / "Good."

Trademarks: Golden eyes, flowing golden hair, magic golden wings, confident smirk.


King Bael: A multi-headed, spider body-themed demon who rules over Hell. Struggles with multiple personality disorder, but they greatly care for their Lord, their Queen and their fiery subjects.

Queen Paimon: A large, plump, motherly, female avian demon who rules over Hell.

Lady Beelzebub: The most senior of Queen Paimon's trusted aides, the fashion-minded but quite deadly Fly General.

Lady Baphomet: The most well rounded of Queen Paimon's trusted aides, the highly talented, magically inclined, scholarly, and alluring Goat General.

Lady Cerberus: The newest and most optimistic of Queen Paimon's trusted aides, the triplicate Hound General. Takes the form of a large, three-headed hellhound or a set of youthful female triplets who share one demonic soul.

Sir Faust the Imp, ISTP 3w4: A young and impoverished but also spirited crimson imp who seeks the fame and glory of a charismatic and dashing adventurer, one who might someday be invited to break bread, share the Lord's wine and feast with the Archangels of Heaven's Forge. Is quite proud of his trademark, musketeer-inspired thin moustache, as most imps typically do not grow facial hair. Notable 'objects in his inventory' include a slightly bent and suspiciously sticky holy rapier that he scavenged from a Hell dumpster. As lowly imps are not officially allowed to own any material possessions due to their designated caste role of indentured servants and overworked and underappreciated housekeepers in service of the greater demons, Sir Faust 'repaired' the broken rapier using naturally sticky, viscous, adhesively white bodily fluids. Thankfully, he did not feel compelled to do the same with the tattered, wide-brimmed, feather-plumed hat and musketeer outfit that he found in the dumpster next to the broken rapier. Quite deft with the tantric arts and heartsong.

Theme 1: Keeper of the Celestial Flame of Abernethy

Theme 2: P.A.R.T.Y. (PARTY Music Video)


Lady Beleth:

Lord Asmodeus:

Lady Balam:

Lord Belhor:

Archangel First Lieutenant Uriel (impending Captain), ENTP 5w6, ‘Patron’, Pilot of Chariot ‘Grassfed’:

Inspirations: Kazuto Kirigaya (SAO Abridged), Realistic Frisk (Genderless Child) (SmashBits Animations), Nathan Flappatron, Misato Katsuragi, Simo Hayha (she wishes), MCU's Captain Marvel / Carol Danvers / Brie Larson ("Oi!" -U)

Symbol: Loyalty

"If you want to kill these people, you'll have to deal with me, first! ... Stand up. Can you fight? You're going to have to. And remember, no matter what the faceless masses have to say... never bend down and wait to die!"

"The quarter-life crisis continues."

"Bulge cursed? We're angels. None of us are bulge cursed. Avian biology and all that."

"Did you want a kidney to go with that?" / "I wouldn't say no to it, if you were actually offering." / "Aye, that's true enough."

"The first question I ever asked in primary school was... 'If the Lord is such a wonderful person, then why did he create disease?' ... The rest... speaks for itself, really."

"I don't understand what you're trying to say. Can you please speak more clearly instead of hiding behind Breaking Bad/Persona references like a coward?"

"The motto of Heaven's Forge: Never cruel or cowardly. Never give up, never lose hope. Together, we fight for a brighter dawn. That's the mission."

"Why are you here, Lieutenant Uriel, Archangel of Heaven's Forge?" / "Me? I'm here because I want to make a difference."

"Leap of faith? More like the tumble of fatigue. Am I right lads, or am I right, lad?" / "Shut the hell up. You're not funny!" / "Eh, that's honestly a fair reaction."

"Captain Uriel, eh? Well, if Lavernius Tucker could manage..."

"Lock and yodel!" / "Rock and yodel!" / "Take flight!" / "Fly, you fool!"

"Being a super stoic, hardcore badass / badbutt / badarse... it doesn't make you immune to damage, physical, mental or emotional, take your pick. It just teaches you how to ignore the unpleasant truths and fight through the chronic pain."

"How do you kill that which has not life? For starters... it ain't easy, mate. Past that, it takes a lot of creativity and determination. A true test of an Archangel's will."

Trademarks: Emerald eyes, emerald hair, glowing emerald magic wings, dry but confident expression.

Void Dragon Seru, INTJ 5w6:

Inspirations: Shadow the Hedgehog, Rose Lalonde

Symbol: Passion

"It's a sad day when untested whelps and hatchlings have to step up and take charge becuase all of their elders are incompetent cowards and fools... but that's not news. And why would it be?"

"The worst breach of manners is to point out a breach of manners on the spot. But without that crucial feedback, how are people meant to change and improve as individuals?"

"The sound of death? Silence, of course. It's one of the many reasons why death holds more beauty than life. But on the other claw..."

Trademarks: Black scales, ruby eyes, large collection of research books and ancient magic scrolls, finely honed ebony tail-blade.

Wind Dragon Renn, ENFP 7w6:

Inspirations: Po Ping, Gary Goodspeed, Captain Garbage

Symbol: Joy

Trademarks: Brown scales, bright golden eyes, co*cky but secretly insecure demeanor, colorful artificial wings and decorated tail-fan.

Poison Dragon Lyra, ISFJ 2w1:

Inspirations: Yor Forger

Symbol: Devotion

"I swore an oath to heal the sick and tend to the injured... but it was never enough. To fuss over individuals that were all hurt by a corrupt system with a corrupt leader, an uncaring and unemphatic Lady of poisonous lies. A leader who sides with a mule, a donkey and a troll because it's quicker and easier that being honest about the fact that grass is green and not blue. I have no patience or tolerance for corrupt leaders and their horrible policies that protect the uncouth. Such is my nature."

Trademarks: Emerald scales, sun-bleached ochre eyes, compassionate and stubborn in equal measure, concealed hypodermic tail-syringe.

Fear Dragon Melia, ESFP 7w8

Inspirations: Amy Rose

Symbol: Love (Philia)

"I think that deep down, everyone wants to be loved and respected and accepted. I know that's what I want, the life I want to live... laughing, learning and living life to the fullest with my best friends, my besties and maybe a soulmate for good measure... What could be more wonderful and fulfilling than that?"

"Seru? The tall, dark hottie? Oh, yeah. He did ask me about what the 'sound of death' means. One of those weirdly morbid riddles and sayings? Pass. True, death is the end that all people have to face down the road, but I'm not that afraid of it. I'm too busy with life to be afraid of death."

Trademarks: Ruby scales, lime-green eyes, size-shifting tail-mace /tail-hammer.

Violet Dragon Violet, INFx

Nox Arcana, INTJ 5w6

Inspirations: Oleander

Symbol: Pride

"Mad, you say? Perhaps you are correct... maybe it is truly the high of lunacy to actively want to create a world that is better than the current one that dominates our tortured, miserable lives..."

Trademarks: Raven fur, chipped ebony horn.

Lady Sol Arcana, INFJ 1w9

Inspirations: Princess Celestia

Symbol: Vision

"Well, I have had a lot to deal with over the course of my long life. It all started when greedy humans burned down my fillyhood forest glen and butchered my fellow unicorns for sustenance and for sport. Comprehending such an event as a young filly... it was quite taxing at the time."

Trademarks: Pristine white fur, shimmering pale horn.

Princess Kianna Livingston, INFJ 1w9 (Kenneth's Mirror Reflection)

Sir Samuel Amherst, ESFP 2w3 (Sarah's Mirror Reflection)

Inspirations: Rex the Salvager

Symbol: Empathy

Duke Lucah Heales, ENFJ 2w3 (Lucia's Mirror Reflection)

Inspirations: Stolas, Caine, Mr. Stitches

Symbol: Harmony

Silas Amherst, INTP 9w8 (Sarah's Younger Brother)

Inspirations: Kazuto Kirigaya (SAO Abridged), Realistic Frisk (Genderless Child) (SmashBits Animations), Nathan Flappatron

Symbol: Pragmatism

"Oh, praise the Lord McDonald!"

"Pizza and lemonade? The drink of gods!"

"To be fair... oh, don't get me wrong, I can relate to the rah-rah, fight the power, stick it to the stickman (stick-man?) and all that, but isn't this a bit... excessive?"

"Well, we didn't have Lord of the Flies or To Kill a Mockingbird or Animal Farm as part of our mandatory assigned reading. We had Gatsby... sorry, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, and Of Mice and Men. Though, you can figure out the gist from pattern recognition and online summaries. Considering the trite, tacky ending of Au Revoir Les Enfants..."

"To be fair, there are only so many ways to complain about social interaction without coming across as trite, especially when it involves hiding behind gifs."

"Ah, Crusaders Quest. It's been a long, bumpy road... but you never forget your first gatcha."

"To be fair, I'd say that mushroom abuse is a much bigger concern than not being able to flirt with Hatsune Mikus or women in general. Just saying."

"To be fair, it's not right to treat people like dirt just because of how they want to approach a particular medium, popular or no. It's also not very nice to hold people in contempt just for not putting memes and inside jokes on a f****** pedestal."

"If a question of intent needs to be asked, it's usually not a joke. Not when the 'comedian' has to constantly justify every other sentence that comes out of their mouth."

"Hey, Uriel... would you object if I referred to you as Chicken Nuggets?" / "Your funeral, mate." / "Aye, that's fair enough." / "Damn right. And besides, those jokes are all fun and games until you see how desperate the average human can get in a survival situation."

Sir Reada Rivera (The Poncho Human, Chief of the Ancient Indu Tribe, Crimson Sage, The First Crimson Magus, Bearer of the Crimson Heart, Wielder of the Crimson Soul, Embodiment of the Angel's Blessing, Harbinger of the Divine Blaze), ENFJ 8w7

Favorite Games/Shows (Modern / Mafiatale / Undernovella AU): Dragon Ball Z Abridged, Attack on Titan, No Time to Explain, ASDF Movie, Robot Dinosaurs That Shoot Beams When They Roar

Inspirations: Addam Origo, Dunban, Clark Kent, Ip Man

Symbol: Destiny

"Asgore... I'm not angry... just... disappointed."

"Reada... you have to understand, my people, if I had not allowed them to take out their frustrations on the humans within their grasp, they would have become inconsolable, no better than the beasts you humans say we are..." / "Then your people are scum and you were a fool for attempting to absolve them of their misdeeds."

"To this day, people still root for a bad mother who let six human children die, and then magically burned a seventh child for their 'good.' What a world we live in... Toriel..."

"I miscalculated... though, to be fair... I may not be a scholar or an alchemist or a researcher. The fountain of youth and the secret recipe for turning common lead into molten gold are both far beyond my capabilities. Time manipulation or no, no one can forestall the cumulative end of all things. The cycle of Oblivion and Genesis... As for transient wealth, humans will eventually learn how to use machines to change particles of lead into particles of gold and then conclude that the cost is so enormous that the lead is more valuable when used as lead. But for the ravages of time... the body can be healed indefinitely due to the untapped potential of harmonious magic, but the mind and soul will forever grow weary and old. But over the years, I've gained a bit of familiarity and intimacy regarding the hopes and wishes of the people... human, monster, whatever. I, like many others before me, concluded that humans and monsters are the same. On the inside. Metaphorically. But I believe that I may truly have been the first to say that it was... a bad thing for society, that terrible revelation I unleashed with my foolishness and naivety and genuine idealism. Surely you can see why I came to believe that, considering your knowledge of the time branches..."

"Gay jokes and slurs that target hom*oromantic individuals and couples... they are poison. If you dare to deny it, that makes you a willful accomplice to cruelty and intolerance. Don't bother pretending otherwise."

Sir Clover Grovedale, ISTP 4w5

Inspirations: Heroic Spirit Emiya, Green Arrow, Hawkeye

Symbol: Comradery

"You can cry about it 'till the cows come home. Humans didn't start this god-damned war. Don't even try to deny it."

Libra Rivera, ESFP 8w7

Dakota Ryder, ESFJ, Angus Black heifer

Alaska Ryder, ESTP, Dakota's mother

C.T. ‘Connecticut’ Argos, ESFP, Golden Retriever

Utah Argos, ISTP, C.T.'s father

OCs and Worldbuilding 2 - Mark432 (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.